Wealth Star
In 2024, the cherished #8 Wealth Star finds itself gradually losing its vitality. Its energy is waning, and certain negative aspects are starting to surface. While the #8 Wealth Star brought prosperity, income, and immense wealth during Period 8, it now finds itself in a state of "declining" chi in Period 9. In this state, it can pose obstacles to success and give rise to various health issues. Therefore, it is prudent to approach this star number with caution, as it requires Feng Shui activation and remedies. When the #8 Wealth Star is in a timely and auspicious state, it signifies a financial upswing, fostering a sense of prosperity. However, when it becomes untimely, it can indicate money-related problems such as excessive frugality, being overly calculative, and a tendency to be tight- fisted. In terms of health, a negative influence from the #8 Wealth Star suggests lingering or long-term illnesses that are bothersome but typically not life-threatening. These ailments are often associated with the back, spine, nose, and extremities like the fingers.